

    Programmer, web developer and sometimes... speecher, dreamer or thinker. Interested in Artificial Intelligence, IoT, open source technologies and programming languages. I am the principal author of the Navitron system.


    Flight, photography, doing stuff with computers, geophysics, astronomy, Go game, cooking, evening walks, traveling to places impossible to find on booking.com... and another 11... and the list remains open.

    What I love?

    Open minds, discoveries, creativity, kindness, dressed nature in the colors of October, exact sciences, literature, Linux and of course... I love Christmas.

    What concern me?

    Hypocrisy, prejudices, fear of new things, selfishness, superstitions, anger and greed; but not necessarily listed in this order. Seriously! I tried hard but I still feel limited or stuck to understand any of them.

    Who inspires me?

    This is a good question. I think there are over 300 extraordinary people in history and over 50 contemporaries.

    At work

    I always follow this simple philosophy: "Explicit is better than implicit. Simple is better than complex. Complex is better than complicated. Special cases aren't special enough to break these rules."

    Anything else?

    Are we alone? In the Universe, I'm sure NOT! And this, not because the Drake Equation predicts so, but because that would mean a great waste of space and energy. On the Earth? - Often YES, because we behave like we are the center of the Universe.

    What matters most?

    The one next to us. I know... I know! It sounds weird. It's a hard-to-digest concept, so you have to think deeply. It makes sense if the one next to us thinks the same.

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